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Updated: Jul 18, 2023

By Pastor Warren Richardson


"Also I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then I said, ``Here I am; send me." Isaiah 6:8

Geography makes a difference. Pineapples do well in Hawaii; however, they don't do well in Alaska. Atmosphere matters. The climate is important for any seed to grow!

You too are a seed. Success requires people. You will never succeed without networking with many different kinds of people.

Recently, I was amazed by what I saw in the life of Jesus. He was constantly in movement. He was constantly changing locations.

" ... He came down from the mountain .. " Matthew 8:1.

"He entered the Capernaum ... Matthew 8:5

"He went to ... come into Peter's house." Matthew 8:14

" ... He entered a ship ... " Matthew 8:23

" ... And He came to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes ... " Matthew 8:28

Wisdom Key 1

You must be willing to go where you have never been to create something you've never had.

Jesus was constantly arising, departing, and going to new places. Some people will not come to where you are. You have to go to their home, their town, and their environment.

In the scriptures we read that Jesus told his disciples to go to the upper room. They were to tarry there until they received the marvelous experience of the Holy Spirit. He told five hundred to go; three hundred and eighty disobeyed.

Even after they had observed His resurrection and His miracle life, only one hundred and twenty actually followed his instructions. But those who were willing to go to a different place (the upper room) received the marvelous outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Abraham, the patriarch of the Israelites, had to make a geographical change before his success was birthed. (Genesis 12:1,2)

Joseph found his incredible success in another country, Egypt. Ruth willingly left her heathen family in Moab and went to Bethlehem with Naomi where she met Boaz, a financial giant in the community, and married him.

It is normal to move toward those who are easily accessible.

"Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy; for behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in like manner did their fathers unto the prophets." Luke 6:22,23

Nobody really knows you. You know more about yourself than anyone who will ever meet you

It is not what men say about you in life that really matters, it is what you believe about yourself.

Jesus was slandered. He was falsely accused. They said He was possessed by devils.

Countless accusations were hurled like stones against Jesus every day of His life, but it never affected Him. He knew what He was really about; He believed in Himself!

Wisdom Key 2

The ammunition selected by your enemy is a clue to his fear about you.

People always fight what they do not understand. The mind will always resent what it cannot master. Wars are fought because of ignorance and fear. Throughout human history, champions have had their names soiled and stained. Accusations and slanderous lies have come against great political leaders as well as ministers.

Daniel was accused of breaking the law.

Joseph was falsely accused of sexually assaulting his employer's wife.

Paul was accused of arousing mobs through hatred and division concerning the belief systems of religious people.

They accused Jesus of being filled with devils. He paid no attention. He simply continued to cast out devils.

Jesus never strived to look good. He simply was good. He did not labor to appear truthful; He was truthful. He never struggled to have a good reputation; He had character.

Wisdom Key 3

Integrity cannot be proved; it must be discerned.

Every successful man wants to be loved and admired, but your enemies and critics will never leave your reputation unstained and untarnished. You must never allow what others say about you to change your personal opinion of yourself Never! Jesus did not!

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