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Wealth Management

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

by Pastor Warren Richardson


"Receiving the wealth of the nations."

A law of physics states that energy is never destroyed, but simply changes forms.

The same is true of wealth. It is never destroyed, but it often changes hands.

[Great Depression wealth was not destroyed it transferred to those who were in a position to take advantage of the times. Businesses were bought for $0.10 on the dollar and land was bought for $1.00 an acre.]

A greater economic upheaval will come to America and has come already!

Matthew 7:24-27 tells us how we can be prepared?

We prepare by being wise enough to hear the words of the Lord.

King David gave us a wise exhortation in Psalms 32:6 "Let everyone Godly pray to you in a time when you can be found."

We go through troubles now that are meant to drive us to higher ground.

"The name of the Lord is a strong tower."

Like Joseph we are being prepared to properly manage the abundance we receive so that it can save lives during famine!

One fundamental flaw that will keep us bound by the spirit of poverty is selfishness. "Our motives are crucial at this time."

What about debt?

The bible says the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.

Does that mean that we should never go into debt for anything? Use debt for your purposes. We use debt to get ahead not be in bondage.

"The borrower becomes the lenders slave."

In principle this is true. However, we must understand that we do not live under the law.

There is a difference between principles and laws!

Laws cannot be broken.

But, there are exceptions to Principles.

Many believe that Romans 13:8, "Owe no man anything but to love one another," is an emphatic command, that we cannot compromise. However, if it was an emphatic command why did the Lord chastise the foolish servant in the parable of talents for not getting interest for his money.

Would the Lord encourage us to loan money at interest if it were a sin to borrow under any circumstance!

We must go out of debt and stay out of debt except when we are clearly permitted to do otherwise for a season.

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free, therefore, keep standing firm and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery."

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