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Shifting from your bad to His good

Updated: May 24, 2023

By Pastor Warren Richardson


Become aggressive in your recovery or take back what the enemy has stolen!

Sometimes things must change so you can change, and take hold of what God has for you.

To enter the next season you must decontaminate and clean some things out of your life!

What are the lies that keep you holding onto hurts, bad habits, and addictive behaviors?

Let’s fumigate!

Too disinfect, purify, sterilize, or cleanse.

To keep the bugs out you must stay connected to the Holy Spirit and let the water of God’s word renew your mind daily!

Fumigating means you choose to change your thinking!

Until we release the shackles that have us bound we cannot move forward.

1. Sometimes the obstacles that need to be removed from your life have names.


  • Are the people influencing your life the most actually Toxic?

  • Anyone who hesitates to be part of the change may be holding you back!

  • Face it! Toxic relationships & environments will do nothing but hold you back & suck the life out of you!

VDP = very damaging or draining people

VIP = very influential people

VRP = very resourceful people

VTP = very transforming people

Memorize Romans 12:1-2

Transformation is a process!

Memorize 2 corinthians 5:17

You cannot make anyone change. But you do have the power to allow change in yourself!

2. You cannot live a victorious life if you take the past with you.

  • If you renew your mind you will be transformed.

Benefits of Transformation!

  • You become brand new! In Christ we become brand new. 2 corinthians 5:17

  • God works with you! You are a part of a team.

  • God provides the power of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7

The devil has a plot but God has a plan.

  • God provides wisdom! James 1:5

  • Keep distractions in check!

One day everything that broke you God will use to restore you.

You may be tired, discouraged, and frustrated but don't give up! Your situation is about to change.

We see a mess, but God sees a message!

3. Don’t allow a season to become your life sentence.

Hell doesn’t want you to break through.

Hell despises your success.

The force of hell fights day and night to keep you from arriving in your kingdom potential.

All words from God have a season as well as a directive.

The next season will be your best!

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