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Rule Your Day

By Pastor Warren Richardson


You have a space that belongs only to you.

It’s TEA: Thoughts, Emotions, and Attitudes

That's your atmosphere

That's what you have control over

We need to keep our atmosphere full of faith!

“A person who doesn’t rule his spirit is like a city with broken down walls.”

If it’s not positive, hopeful, and of good report don’t dwell on it!

We are to reign in life according to Romans.

We need to get rid of the poison in our atmosphere.

1. Spirits are transferable

  • You can go to a new level!

  • The scripture says don’t sit inactive in the path of the ungodly!

  • God has called you to take your family to a new level!

  • In Psalms 59 David was on the run from King Saul hiding in the desert.

    • He had been good to Saul but Saul was jealous of him.

    • David said, “As for me, I will sing about your power. I will shout for joy each morning for you are my refuge, a place of safety in my time of distress.”

    • David knew he couldn’t control Saul but he could rule his atmosphere!

2. “Hold your peace and God will fight your battles.”

  • You can't keep the offenses from coming but you can keep them from getting in.

  • When you allow other people to contaminate your atmosphere you're giving away your power!

  • You have the power to remain calm!

  • You can’t rule over someone else!

  • Keep the negative out of your atmosphere.

3. Defeat thoughts with words

  • Bad Moods spawn Bad Thoughts

  • Many today confuse what we think with what is truth!

  • We idolize our own thoughts.

  • Ephesians 4:14 Read

  • Jesus called the Holy Spirit the “Spirit of Truth”

  • Your mind is the interface between the body and soul.

  • Our mind must learn to yield to the peace of our Spirit!

  • Peace is the umpire of our souls!

  • You have a space that belongs only to your thoughts, emotions, and attitudes.

Make some good TEA!

Rule Your Day!

“Best Day Ever!”

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