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Recover All

“Recover All”

1 Samuel 30:8

A Promise from God to David when He was in severe trial!

Here these words in your spirit and take them to heart.

Pursue, Overtake, Recover

Recovery relates to regaining possession of something stolen or lost!

1. Prayer brings everything to speech

  • David had harbored secrets, secret fears, insecurities that he didn’t bring to speech!

  • And experienced the effects of not facing what was hiding in the shadows of his life.

When you decide God’s not big enough - you have to watch over everything you're protecting.

Corrie Ten Boon said, “Hold everything loosely” Insecurity produces control and is reinforced by pride.

Security releases peace and is reinforced by love - God Kind of LOVE. (AGAPE)

David's loved ones & all their families were captured.

When distress touches a whole group of people, behaviors change.

Distress stirs things up!

But, I am declaring prophetically that you are coming into a season of Recovery.

How? You have to resurrect or build your A-Game (ANOINTING).

Resurrect your A-Game

David recognized where he was

David received all that was stolen

David rededicated his life & future (Re - Commit)


No matter who you are, your life is marked by seasons; some great & invigorating others try the soul, drain your energy, & leave you with questions.

There are 2 kinds of season:

  • Steady seasons

  • Seasons of change

Steady seasons are predictable & easily managed.

Seasons of change challenge the status quo & force us to test our beliefs & perspectives.

Every word of the Lord will be tested!

Psalm 105:19 & 24

Seasonal changes cost you something (comfort, familiarity, predictable routines, & the assumption of security.) But, they give you an opportunity to grow.

2. Access your circle of influence - in the Spirit

The Lord made Israel conquer their promised land one battle at a time (one day at a time).

He wanted them to conquer land when they were strong enough to hold it.

Ephesians 4:15-16

God is forming the joints.

Where 2 parts meet (come together).

Two are better than one.

Enables the proper working of each individual part.

This must happen before we go to the next level!

3. Alignment: The power of moving together

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