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Moving Forward with Godly Success

Updated: Dec 29, 2020

By Pastor Warren Richardson


A heart after God is the magnet that attracts God's favor.

Favor is an attraction factor.

Favor is something that is undeniably powerful!

Genesis 39:2-5; 23

1. God gave Joseph success in whatever he did.

• He had favor with those who mattered.

• Joseph found favor in God's sight.

• Some people in your life you will never find favor with.

• Joseph didn't need the favor of his brothers; he needed the favor of his father.

Question: Are you willing to sacrifice the favor of those who don't matter in order to gain the favor of those who do?

2. Learning to separate what is stressful in your life from what is strategic.

• Stress can be demonic.

• Strategy is divine.

Question: Do you know the difference?

Stress steals your peace of mind.

It sucks the joy right out of your life.

Stress will kill your vision.

Strategy is visionary.

It is focused.

Stress breaks you down.

Strategy will provide a breakthrough.

3. Your motives determine your moves.

The motive is why you do what you do.

You are too blessed to be stressed.

Start declaring God's blessings in your life.

We have been talking about pride and repentance.

"God will take you through a process so you will act right when you get to the promise!"

Humility is lived out in the context of relationship not to God, but to others.

4. Finally, the pressure you are under propels you toward your purpose and call in life.

Question: How does that work? (Give scripture to support.)

The Blessing: Life, healing, and prosperity are mine yesterday, today and forever!

Have a great week and stay in God's favor!

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