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Life Skills

By Pastor Warren Richardson


Luke 7:36-47

Position yourselves for more!

We help people find out what makes them tick!

No matter how much we have been hurt or wounded we are responsible for our current behavior.





How many of you have something chronic physically or emotionally you are fighting with?

We can change if we have the right tools.

Paul teaches us that emotions can not be trusted.

"We owe nothing to the flesh."

"We are not obligated to our emotions."

When trauma or emotional hurts occur in childhood. The emotional part of the personality stops maturing.

1 Corinthians 13:11

People who have been traumatized never grow up.

Wounded people see things differently.

Your viewpoints drive your emotional reactions.

Wounding and emotional immaturity cause us to think our view is the only correct one.

Perception becomes reality.

When someone disagrees with our perspective we take it personally.

1. Our perspectives become our one truth.

  • (You shall know the truth and truth will make you free!)

  • The word of God is the software for reprogramming!

  • Get the Word down inside and the issues like pornography, abuse, addictions, depression, rebellion, fear, and insecurities will yield to God's Word.

  • Hebrews 4:11,12 The Word discovers our condition.

2. The brain responds to truth.

  • People know when something is true.

  • God's word is the key to change.

  • There is power in the Spoken Word. (Rhema Word)

  • When we speak a thing repeatedly and our brain comes into submission to it. This is how we rewire the brain!

Negative thought patterns are ''strongholds." We need to bring them down.

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

The Holy Spirit will show us what we need to change. Revelation 12:11

3. God doesn't intend for us to stay broken.

  • He has designed a healing process called sanctification or we can call it emotional maturity or emotional intelligence.

  • Many today do not receive healing because of the wounds in their soul.

  • When wounds in your soul get healed miracles break out!

Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, He said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, too repentance."

Healing is here!

Miracles are here!

His presence is here!

Many times what's perceived on earth as a crisis from Heaven's perspective is an opportunity.

Now is not the time to dismantle our beliefs a christianity shifting into reverse cannot take ground in a culture that has gone into defiance!

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