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By Pastor Warren Richardson


I love to see people succeed with their life. Success is being happy and happiness is basically feeling good about yourself, your life, and your plans. Success is joy!

Two forces are vital to happiness. They are your relationships and your achievements.

The gospel has two forces. They are the person of Jesus Christ and the principles he taught.

  • You see, one is the Son of God, the other is the system of God.

  • One is the life of God, the other is the law of God.

  • One is an experience with God, the other is the expertise of God.

  • One is heart related, the other is mind related.

Salvation is experienced instantaneously, the wisdom principles are learned progressively.

You may be a church member and religious in your experience, but you will live in continuous periods of frustration without the knowledge of the success laws established in the scriptures.

You may be a non-church member, an unbeliever. You may experience tremendous social, financial and family success and achievements through simple application of the laws of life as set forth in the Bible, but without the experience with Jesus Christ, the Son of God, you will always sense a vast void and loneliness, an awareness that "something is missing in my life."

God has not created a world He would not be needed in!

Wisdom Key 1

A productive life is not an accident.

Our goals should be ordered of the Lord. David wanted to build the temple, but his desire was not a God-intended goal. Solomon was the builder God had chosen. Sometimes our personal desires are contradictory to God's plan.

How do we know the difference? Consultation with the Father. Through the Word and private prayer time, we discover God's plans. Usually, it is revealed step-by-step. If your desire for something persists it is probably an indication that God wants you involved in that particular accomplishment.

Obviously, we must know what God wants us to do before we can do it. Look for signs. Listen to the Spirit. Evaluate. Cultivate instant response to the voice of God. Eliminate the time-wasters in your life. Concentrate on you God-connection.

Reject all feedback and comments that breed doubt and defeat. Jesus did not give the same quality time to the Pharisees that He gave to the Samaritan woman. He discerned the purpose of every conversation whether it came from a hungry heart or a critical attitude.

The winner knows the power of words. Refuse to release words of defeat, depression and discouragement. Your words are life. Express hope and confidence in God. Get so excited over planning your triumphs that you don't have time to complain over past losses.

Wisdom Key 2

Never speak words that make Satan think he is winning.

Adversity produces faith or unbelief. The choice is yours!

The winner expects special wisdom to come. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given to him. " James 1:5

Wisdom is the ability to interpret a situation through God's eyes. Wisdom is seeing what God sees. "The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." Psalm 119:130·

Winners are different from the crowd. Refuse to bog down in placing blame on others. Reach UP for the key Out.

Happiness begins between your ears! Your mind is the drawing room for tomorrow's circumstances. What happens in your mind will happen in time.

"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. " Philippians 4:8

Wisdom Key 3

Those who are unwilling to loose, rarely do.

Winners are simply ex-losers who got mad! They grew tired of failure. Winning doesn't start around you, it begins inside of you

Wisdom Key 4

When you make up your mind, it's just a matter of time.

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