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Focus your Fall

By Pastor Warren Richardson


Our 28 day “Battle Ready” challenge begins… 

We will get Strong in the Lord, Obey Him, and Move in Victory!

God tells us in his word to declare victories for our people. Psalm 44:3

Win the Day... With JESUS

Distance the Distractions... With the WORD

Decree the Outcome or Victory... Be Battle Ready

Write your goals down:

Goals, God, and Guidance these three must be our daily discipline!

God gave me a solid word for this year.

“Focus, Move, and Decree!”

  1. We are in a strong transitional season

    • Many seasons in one but I believe we are enjoying a release of God’s great grace and great power.

    • One day everything that broke you,God will use to restore you because my God is a miracle worker. There’s a Blessing in the Breaking!

      • How has God restored you?

  • With God the waiting time is never wasted time. 

God is preparing you, trust his plan not your pain or excuses.

  • How are you preparing to move forward? (My ammunition for everything in my life is faith and warfare.)

  • Somebody somewhere is depending on you to do what God has called you to do.

    • Are you prepared to give away what you have received? (Freely you have received freely give.)

2. Posture yourself in the Spirit

  • We are shifting into the flow of a better outpouring.

    • The shift is from the natural to the supernatural!

  • It requires focus and an openness to what God is doing!

  • God moved into a house that needs to be gutted and remodeled!

    • That house is you and me! “If any person be in Christ they are a new creature.”

  • Rejecting the mind of Christ, quenches the Holy Spirit and sabotages the work He is doing in us.

    • Jude 1:20 says “ build yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Spirit!”

    • This activity builds us up in our faith.

  • The Holy Spirit never enters a man and lets him live like the world!

    • Breakthroughs come from this!

  • The prayer of faith comes from a Spirit of faith!

  • The position and power of faith, freedom, and favor comes from the word of God.

3. One of the great tragedies of the church today is that we are operating on ground level..


  • We have to shift our thinking to God's way of doing things.

    • We are waiting for our solutions to come from education, politics, government, or a skill set.

  • We are to set the Lord always before us.

  • Spiritual life, power, and strength come from the spirit!

  • We must speak God's word into dead situations and call forth life.

  • A national movement requires Bold Moves and some sensitivity to the Holy Spirit!

    • We have to be sensitive to the Signs while serving

    • Are you ready to let God use you to touch people?

    • Are you ready to step out and be used by God in this season?

  • Change your thoughts and change the world you live in!

28 Days

2 to 8 Minutes a day helps you win the day!

  • Get your heart right

  • Get moving in the spirit 

  • Get ready for God to display his love and power through you

  • Command Victories/Command the Morning 

  • Be “Battle Ready”

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