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Focus, Move, Decree Victory

By Cathie Richardson


We have been challenged by our Pastor to a 28 Day Battle Ready.

Are we up for the challenge? Are we keeping that challenge to the forefront of our daily

lives as we move about our day.

What does it mean to be Battle Ready?

  • Sufficiently equipped

  • Trained

  • Numerically strong

  • To engage an enemy

Isaiah 40:29 says, He gives power to the weak and to those who have no

might, he increases strength.

Declaration: I will be strong in the Lord, obey him, and move in victory.

In order to achieve an end goal, is it profitable to write down goals and do you?

What are some of your daily routines that lead you to accomplishing your goals?

Luke 9, Mark 6:7-13 – The 12 sent out and the feeding of the 5,000+

The 12 were sent out and mission accomplished.

Then it says in Luke 9 that they gave an account for all they had done and they

withdrew from the crowds. Time to spend time with Jesus before the next assignment.

The feeding of the multitudes…

  • The disciples saw the problem – What was their first response?

  • What did Jesus say?

With God waiting time is never wasted time.


God is preparing you, trust his plans not your excuses or sometimes pain.

  • How are you preparing to move forward?

  • It is important to know that somewhere someone is depending on you to do what God has called you to do.

  • Are you prepared to give away what you have received?

Posture yourself in the Spirit

Natural Posture is how you hold your body.

There are 2 types of posture: (1) how you hold yourself when you are moving like when

you are walking, running, bending over. (2) Static posture is how you hold yourself

when you are not moving like when you area sitting or standing or sleeping.

How would you define spiritual posture?

A good spiritual posture reveals our alignment with God.

The postural muscles of a believer who closely follows God even in the midst of their

trials, will reveal their faith by their alignment to God’s will.

{God’s nature, His word} A believer…out of alignment with God demonstrates poor

spiritual posture.

2 Chronicles 20:17, You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions;

stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not

be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out and face them tomorrow, and the Lord be with


Could we say their posture before the battle was just as important as their posture in the

battle. That’s battle ready (preparation) and battle steady (during the battle).

The Holy Spirit never enters a person and lets them live like the world.

The prayer of faith comes from a spirit of faith.

The position and power of faith and favor comes from God and through time spent with


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