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Embraced by The Holy Spirit

By Pastor Warren Richardson


“Come Know the Holy Spirit”

John 14:16-17

Many people don’t know the Holy Spirit and don’t know how to get to know Him.

The key here is to become acutely sensitive to the movement of the Holy Spirit.

“Step Aside” to let His movement and plan come forth.

Zechariah 2:13 NIV

Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.

The Holy Spirit is always moving and He longs to share what heaven wants to do in the earth!

The Holy Spirit wants to commission, train and raise up leaders and followers who will carry the name of Jesus to the ends of the earth.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit work together. The Holy Spirit wants to give us an intimate revelation of Jesus.

Jesus told us that the Holy Spirit abides in us - That means He remains in us!

To make wise choices the spirit of wisdom and knowledge must be released along with the spirit of counsel, under the direction of the Holy Spirit.

Wisdom and knowledge cause us to rise up into the things of the Spirit.

Some of the moods of the Holy Spirit are:

  • Cleansing Mood

  • Correction Mood

  • Convicting Mood

  • Conquering Mood

  • Commanding Mood

  • Counseling Mood

1. How do we know the mind of the Spirit? John 14:26

  • The Holy Spirit teaches us about everything.

  • “He wants us to be free to flow in the anointing whether it be teaching the scriptures or in conversation.”

  • The Holy Spirit has the greatest mind on earth and He has a perfect memory!

  • He is capable of bringing things to our remembrance.

  • The Holy Spirit wants to train us, help us, strengthen us, and equip us!

  • Read Revelation 22:17

2. How do we get in agreement with the Holy Spirit?

  • Find out exactly what He wants us to agree with.

  • Isaiah 61:3

  • We train our children to stop, look, listen, and to look again both ways. Don’t we?

  • When we feel anxious or driven it is time to stop, look, and listen!

  • What does Psalms 51:10-12 mean to those who are led by the Holy Spirit?

3. Listening to the Holy Spirit is so necessary. Why?

  • The Holy Spirit wants us to yield; to be under His control as He works through us and in us.

  • “If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25

  • The Spirit of Truth never lies

  • He makes His voice easy to hear, but it takes practice to hear!

How do we listen and Hear

  1. Open the communication lines

  2. Have a trusting heart

  3. Hear his voice and do not harden your hearts

  4. Obey and believe for direction, guidance and strength to do His will.

“God is saying I want you to recognize my voice so when I tell you something you will know it's me.”

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