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Creating a Kingdom Culture


Who God is to us, He will be through us.

When Jesus taught during His earthly ministry the crowds of people responded in three ways: ● Some disbelieved ● Somebelieved ● Some went away confused and not knowing what to believe

When it comes to joining God, it seems human nature is quite the same.

Looking up the definition of join, it gives the example of a pipe joined together so closely that you cannot see the seam where one pipe ends and the other begins.

Some people state they are self-made. Some people look at their lives or feel they are doing something for God.

Some people feel like they are joining God through the power of His Spirit.

Our strength, our power vs His strength and His power.

Real power, real strength comes from partnering with God.

Galatians has a lot to say about walking in the flesh (law) and walking in the Spirit. After hearing and accepting Christ as their Savior they began learning how to walk according to the spirit, but then the apostle Paul asked them what happened; who bewitched you that you would go back to adhering to the law.

Galatians 3:3, "How foolish can you be? After starting your new lives in the Spirit, why are you now trying to become perfect by your own effort?"

What does it take to live in the Spirit? Why do we so easily fall into living in the flesh?

What are some of the spiritual disciplines that we feel are important?

Do we struggle with maintaining them?

What if we looked at spiritual disciplines in a different way? Instead of looking at them as how we prove our love for God, but where God proves his love for us?

Dr. Sanjay, a neurosurgeon, says in his book Keep Sharp if we looked at exercise not only to be beneficial to our bodies but to build brain power, would we fit it into daily routines.

John 15:3-5, 8-11

Galatians 5:13-26 Freedom Love Walking in the Spirit

Fruit of the flesh

Fruit of the Spirit

Live by the Spirit

Benefits of joining with God: ● ItRefreshes ● Itpurifies ● Wemakebetterdecisions ● LearntoapplytheWordtoourlives ● RecognizeHisvoice ● Truefreedom ● OperateinHispowerandstrength

Creating a Kingdom Culture ..... Knowing our Core Values and operating in them.

3 areas to learn and see your life: 1. Humility is a vital baseline for everything we do. 2. Proximity to Jesus is our only hope for producing good fruit. 3. Saving grace gives us new life; training grace gives us abundant life.

Who God is to us, He will be through us.

Ephesians 1:18,21

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