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Circle the Promise

By Pastor Warren Richardson


Joshua 6:1, 2

Dream big, pray hard, and think differently.

Matthew 20:29-34 - Jesus said, “what do you want me to do for you?”

More than 1,000 years after the Jericho miracle another miracle happened in the exact same place.

Jesus forced the (2) blind men to define exactly what they wanted from Him.

He made them verbalize their desire.

They circled it.

Knowing what to circle is where it begins.

Many have no idea what they want God to do for them.

God is for us, know what you want God to do for us.

1. Start circling the promise.

  • God is for you so pray audacious prayers.

  • God will transfer the promise to you if you have enough faith to circle it!

Jericho is defined many different ways:

  • If you have cancer, it's spelled HEALING.

  • If you are lost, it's spelled SALVATION.

  • If you are without resources, it's spelled PROVISION.

  • If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, it's spelled DELIVERANCE.

Circling Jericho gave the Israelites a 360 degree perspective of the walled promise.

It gave definition to the 50 ft. high dream.

Prayer helps you get outside the problem and think inside the solution.

2. Change of pace and change of grace = change of perspective.

  • Don't pray vague prayers.

  • Start circling everyone and everything in prayer.

Jericho March - with each circle a holy confidence was building a great miracle inside them.

3. The miracle mindset

  • Each 1 ½ mile around the city took ½ an hour.

  • 6-9 o'clock = 6 laps.

  • By 9 they had begun the final lap.

They hadn't said a word in 7 days, but now they let out a shout.

600,000 Israelites raised a holy roar that registered high on the rector scale.

The walls came down!

4. What is your Jericho?

  • It is the 1st step in claiming you're freedom.

What promise are you praying around?

What miracle are you marching around?

Pray hard, dream big, think differently.

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