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Chatter Boxing

By Pastor Warren Richardson


John 8:44-47

1. VOICE “The voice you believe will determine the future you experience!”

The rhythm of creation is marked by call & response. Creative potential is declared in the 1st chapter of the Bible.

Everything started with something God said.

GOD’S VOICE speaks with precision and power inviting us in. Opposing voices seek to draw us out of his presence through deception. “I don’t listen to the voices in my head.”

The enemy's goal is to lure us into accepting his lies and limitations.

Isaiah 55:3 “Hear and your soul will live”

Winning the war of words inside you/your soul means learning to defy your inner critic! “God has given us the ability to choose the dialogue we believe and respond too.”

Have you ever been in a place where the thoughts fly so fast that you can’t keep track of them, much less sort them out!

If you feed them, they will over power you. He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find him throughout the day.

ChatterBox is our way of defining the lies we believe that can keep us from accurately & actively hearing God's Voice!

A average person has 60,000 thoughts per day 80% are negative

Lies cement the wrong patterns in our minds. John 8:37,38,44,47

When lies are not confronted, callings are not fulfilled God is the ONLY person who can be 100% task driven & 100% relationally focused!

“One of the reasons we struggle is we are comparing our behind the scenes with everybody else’s highlight reel”

2. RESOLVE He will not be discouraged until he has completed his purpose. Isaiah 42:1-4

Resolve comes from hearing God's voice

God is ready & willing to achieve a kind of greatness through our lives that is beyond human reach! God wants to reveal things about himself that Flesh & Blood CANNOT reveal and things & tribulations CANNOT defeat!

The world is not wired for how he speaks to you

The enemy brings voices & battles that block creativity! “Sometimes its self sabotage”

Get out of your comfort zone

There is a zone Mark 1:35-38 “God Zone”

Above and beyond, Rising above pressure, Mind and body in perfect harmony, and Ability to focus under pressure!

Don’t let what you expected keep you from what God wants you to experience My joy is not determined by what happens to me but what Christ is doing, in me and through me

3. HOPE “You are born, you suffer, you die unfortunately there is a loophole”-Billy Graham Even Jesus needed a battle plan against discouragement

Chatter attacks everybody

Every believer has a calling and the chatterbox is assigned to interrupt that calling

When the internal dialogue of discouragement starts in your heart, remember the enemy's goal goes way beyond putting you in a bad mood; he's trying to talk you out of trusting God's plan for your life at fundamental levels.

Discouragement undermines everything Your passion Your purpose Your family Your dreams Your resources Your opportunities

Sometimes it comes like a flood Sometimes it comes like a drip

Discouragement always works to displace hope

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick”

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