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God Calling

Updated: Jun 21

By Pastor Warren Richardson


“For this I was born”

Ephesians 1:18 Ephesians 4:1,2

What cause, if any, will define your life?

What legacy will you leave?

“I wholeheartedly agree & believe there is one cause that is greater than any other!”

It gives meaning, direction & purpose to everyday.

  • It is the cause of Jesus Christ!

    • Jesus was asked are you a king then?

      • “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born & for this cause I have come into the world.” John 18:37

      • “For this cause, I came unto this hour.” John 12:27

  • Give your life to a cause greater than yourselves!

5 signs God is calling you into ministry

God calling you!

You must be called by God.

God communicates in many ways to us when the call of God comes into your life.

There is no mistaking this call, it is solid, convincing & powerful to your core.

  1. Motivation

    1. God will give you the actual desires on your heart.(Desire to spread truth or to be an encourager.) Psalm 37:4

    2. Many times the call to ministry is simply motivational to do more for His Kingdom.

    3. You know you have the right motivation when your excitement is unmatched by anything else.

    4. Motivation is the way God gets you started.

  2. Communication

    1. After the initial desire is ignited God begins to communicate with you.

    2. Most will receive subtle forms of communication.(Like promptings, spiritual cues, a growing knowing, a prophetic word, dreams, impressions on your heart, an encounter!)

    3. A growing knowing is an internal drive that pulls us to search for more.

    4. Proverbs 25:2 (Quote) Press in when God speaks & listen to Him!

  3. Confirmation

    1. When the call is there, you will not be left in confusion.

    2. If God has called you others will see it & confirm it.

    3. People will see the giftings!

    4. But remember you don't need confirmation from man to do what God has called you to do.

    5. God will manipulate the slightest of circumstances to achieve His purposes.

  4. Isolation

    1. The call can be a lonely one!

    2. God will purge you of old mindsets & things that need to be cleared out of your life.

    3. In the pruning He cuts away anything that could be a detriment to the ministry.

  5. Preparation

    1. Preparation opens doors!

    2. Be diligent in prayer!

    3. Be prepared for what He calls you to do!

3 Leadership Calls

  1. Burning Heart

  2. Burning Bush

  3. Burning House



Total Commitment

Red Hot Fervor/Passion


Resolve & Resolute

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