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Breaking Free

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

By Pastor Warren Richardson



Biology of Belief!

Your life can be radically altered by a single moment.

What if faith changes your DNA?

What if your destiny is in your DNA?

“The wages of sin is death” Romans 6:23

There is always a cost to pay for sin: someone, somewhere, at sometime will pay!

What if the biblical concept of “The Blood Saves” is more than a type or shadow?

Conversion is a transformation that is both biblical and biological.

  1. Life really is in The Blood (Leviticus 17:11)

  • Blood is the main ingredient of every human creation!

I know it’s a little edgy but what if there is a faith gene?

Could it be that at the moment we confess with our mouths and believe in our hearts we cross the line/crossover the limited intellect, and tap into a dimension of faith that pierces the genetic wall and a true genetic mutation occurs!

Is being born again an analogy or is it something more?

DNA is the biological key that unlocks the mystery of why we are who we are.

There are connections between our destiny and our DNA!

  1. The destiny in your DNA

  • Everything we do is affected both retroactively and proactively in our lineage.

  • Your destiny is encoded in your DNA.

Let’s talk hand me down jeans!

We have been designed to receive and pass on the character and characteristics of our family.

I have decided to invest in the kingdom and in me!

The choice you make today will become the voice of the future in your bloodline!

  1. What you believe you leave.

  • Read Psalms 145:4

  • There is a culture shift happening!

  • Legacy, resources, faith, struggle, passion, and determination.

  • Determination creates demonstration.

Investment is so important. Are you investing your life resources and gifting‘s in the kingdom?

Think kingdom, be powerful, and do glory.

Strong is not wrong!

God wants you strong!

Today grant yourself permission to envision what could be.

List three things that could be:

3 Personal:

3 Spiritual:

What is a spiritual tipping point?

Is it a mysterious moment when with minimum movement a miraculous momentum is set in motion!

Something little tips the scales.

Sometimes just one little adjustment.

You do the right thing over and over, and then do the right thing one more time and then something spectacular happens!

Go for It Be Strong You are Strong

We are Breaking Free of habits, hurts, vices, and negative lifestyles by making positive and faith filled life changing decisions for a hope and a future.

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