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By Pastor Warren Richardson


I will not live in fear.

All Fear has the same source.

All of it is from the enemy.

Fear affects us physically, Emotionally, and Spiritually.

Fear is the root of all STRESS.

When fear causes a stress reaction through our bodies it marinates the body in toxic chemicals!

Fear of Failure

Fear that we will not be accepted

Fear of the Future

Fear of Loss

Fear of Death

Fear of People

Fear of Pain

Fear of Lack

Fear of being alone

Fear that you missed God

Fear always tells you what your not

Fear always tells you what you don't have

Fear always tells you what you can't do

Romans 8:15 Read for guidance

When the bible says “God has not given us a spirit of fear.” It doesn’t mean we will never fear!

Thoughts create moods

Moods create habits

If my actions don’t change over a period of time my mind will adjust my belief system to mirror my thoughts.

Different actions produce different results.

Remember now anger comes from fears.

Romans 2:15 NLT

“You don’t defeat thoughts with other thoughts. You defeat thoughts with words; words that speak life.”

Read Psalms 107:2 “Say So”

Put on the oil of joy for mourning. The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.

Depressing and negative thoughts allow fears and phobias to take root in our psyche.

The torment of fear can last for years Genesis 45:5-8

Many of us confuse what we think with what is truth!

We idolize our own thoughts and feelings.

Read Ephesians 4:14

Your mind is the interface between the body and soul. Does not have to be the arbitrator of what we think!

Learn to submit to the discipline of our spirit.

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